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    Conférence de Guillaume Faye, donnée à Moscou, le 17 mai 2005. Initialement publiée par L’Athenaeum, revue internationale russe.

    AMIBe : Ce texte est un avertissement à tous les Européens, y compris et surtout ceux qui, par facilité, crédulité ou aveuglement, se croient épargnés et, somme toute, en dehors de l’Histoire.

    Jamais, depuis la chute de l’Empire romain, l’Europe n’avait vécu une situation aussi dramatique. Elle affronte la plus grande menace de son histoire et elle ne le sait pas, ou plutôt refuse de le voir.Les Européens sont envahis, occupés et colonisés par les peuples du Sud et par l’islam de manière rapide et massive. Ils sont aussi, et de leur seule faute, assujettis à l’emprise des Etats-Unis qui leur mènent une impitoyable guerre économique. Sans oublier l’effondrement démographique: non-renouvellement des générations et vieillissement généralisé. Ils sont émasculés par les idéologies décadentistes et nihilistes, parées d’un optimisme factice, en proie à une régression de la culture et de l’éducation, au primitivisme et au matérialisme. L’Europe est l’homme malade du monde. Et les classes politiques comme les élites intellectuelles sont les collaboratrices de ce suicide ethnique. La thèse que je défens est qu’il ne s’agit pas d’une «immigration» mais d’une colonisation et d’une invasion qui sont en train de modifier le fond biologique et ethno-culturel de l’Europe; mais aussi qu’il ne faut pas céder au désespoir, que les combats ne font que commencer, que les peuples de même origine doivent s’unir.


    Le bilan démographique de l’invasion allogène de la France et de l’Europe est terrifiant. Un démographe reconnaissait dans un livre récent, «la France Africaine» que, si rien ne change, en 2040, plus de 50% de la population sera noire ou arabe. Déjà, en France et en Belgique, 25% des collégiens ne sont pas d’origine européenne, et plus de 30% des nourrissons. Actuellement en France, sur 61 millions d’habitants, on compte largement plus de 10 millions de personnes d’origine extra-européenne, en croissance constante, avec une natalité bien supérieure à celle des autochtones. Chaque année, 100.000 non-Européens sont naturalisés Français et 300.000 allogènes, dont une majorité de clandestins, pénètrent en France dont les frontières ne sont plus protégées. La situation est la même dans toute l’Europe et ces faits annoncent peut-être la fin d’une civilisation commune. Evidemment, les classes dirigeantes font semblant de ne rien voir.Mathématiquement, d’ailleurs, la race blanche décline dans le monde entier, y compris aux USA. On dit que la supériorité technologique y palliera, je n’y crois pas: il n’y a de richesses que d’hommes. Une civilisation est d’abord fondée sur ce que les Romains appelaient le «germen», c’est-à-dire le socle ethno-biologique, les racines de l’arbre qui alimentent la culture et la civilisation.Cette invasion ethnique massive fut, en France et en Europe, volontairement provoquée à partir des années 60 par le laxisme des politiciens de gauche et de droite, pollués par les idées trotskistes et marxistes, par la cupidité d’un patronat avide de main d’œuvre bon marché, par l’influence des intellectuels juifs qui exigeaient une «société multiraciale», par l’impératif de la religion des droits de l’homme dont les racines relèvent d’une laïcisation de la morale chrétienne.Ces «collaborateurs de l’invasion», en France et en Europe, on instauré une véritable préférence étrangère au détriment des citoyens autochtones: les immigrés clandestins ne sont que très peu expulsés, ils bénéficient d’innombrables avantages sociaux et privilèges de toute sorte; du fait de l’»impératif antiraciste», ils sont souvent impunis et protégés par des lois discriminatoires, bien que leur présence ait fait exploser la criminalité dans des proportions colossales (+ 1.000% en cinquante ans).Nous sommes envahis autant par les maternités qu’à travers les frontières poreuses. L’immigration, alliée au déclin démographique, sera aussi pour l’Europe occidentale un désastre économique. Le coût de cette immigration a été évalué à 180 milliards de dollars par an pour la France, en cumulant le prix de l’insécurité et des innombrables aides sociales versées aux migrants, même illégaux. Cela fonctionne comme une pompe aspirante. Il est plus intéressant d’être un clandestin chômeur et allocataire en Europe que de travailler dans le tiers monde. Les cadres et les créateurs s’expatrient, notamment aux USA, remplacés par des populations non-qualifiées venues d’Afrique, qui sont des bouches à nourrir et non pas des bras et des cerveaux.Ces faits, ajoutés au vieillissement de la population signifie qu’au XXIe siècle, l’économie européenne risque de se «tiers-mondiser» et de sombrer dans une inéluctable dépression.


    A ce phénomène de colonisation ethnique massive, vient s’ajouter le fait que l’islam prend la tête de l’offensive. Depuis 1.300 ans, avec opiniâtreté, cette religion-idéologie, totalitaire et agressive, vise l’invasion de l’Europe. Nous subissons sa troisième offensive historique, qui s’étend aujourd’hui de Gibraltar à l’Indonésie. La première fut arrêtée à Poitiers, en France, par Charles Martel, en 732; la seconde en 1684 sous les murs de Vienne assiégée par les Ottomans; la troisième se déroule aujourd’hui. L’islam a une longue mémoire et son objectif est l’instauration sur toute notre continent de ce que Khomeiny appelait le «Califat universel».L’invasion de l’Europe a commencé et les chiffres sont alarmants. Le continent, Russie comprise, compte près de 55 millions de musulmans, en progression de 6% par an. En France, on dénombre déjà 6 millions de mahométans. Comme en Belgique et en Grande-Bretagne, ils exigent d’être associés au pouvoir politique. Le gouvernement français a tort de ne pas prendre au sérieux l’objectif de transformer le pays en une «république islamique» après 2020, lorsque le poids démographique des Arabo-musulmans sera devenu déterminant. L’État finance la construction de mosquées pour acheter la paix sociale; on en dénombre déjà plus de 2000, soit le double du Maroc. L’islam est la deuxième religion de France devant le catholicisme et la première pratiquée. Jacques Chirac avait déclaré, il est vrai: «la France est maintenant une puissance musulmane».Partout en Occident s’est installée la croyance stupide qu’il existerait une différence de nature entre l’islam et l’»islamisme» et qu’un islam «laïc» et occidentalisé, ou modéré, serait possible. Il n’en est rien. Tout musulman est un moudjahid en puissance; l’islam est une théocratie qui confond le spirituel et le temporel, la foi avec la loi et qui veut imposer partout la Charia, dont tous les préceptes sont inconciliables avec ceux de notre civilisation.Les États musulmans qui coopèrent avec les USA dans leur «lutte antiterroriste» sont parfaitement hypocrites, en particulier l’Arabie et le Pakistan. Quand l’islam est encore faible, il pratique l’impératif coranique de ruse et de dissimulation mais le djihad, la guerre de conquête, est le devoir suprême. Le terrorisme, ainsi que l’invasion de l’intérieur par l’immigration, sont implicitement recommandés dans le Coran.


    La criminalité et la délinquance en Europe occidentale, dont les causes sont à la fois l’immigration de masse et l’effondrement des valeurs civiques, ont atteint des niveaux insupportables. En France, en 2004, plus de 100.000 voitures ont été incendiées et 80 policiers tués. Toutes les semaines, des émeutes raciales éclatent dans les banlieues: dans les écoles publiques, la violence devient endémique et le niveau scolaire s’effondre dans les classes «multi-nationales». Dans la jeunesse de moins de 20 ans, on compte 20% d’illétrés. Les agressions contre les Blancs se multiplient, mais pourtant elles sont niées au non de la vulgate antiraciste selon laquelle seuls les Européens de souche peuvent être racistes. Dans le même temps, un arsenal répressif s’est mis en place dans plusieurs pays, digne du communisme soviétique, qui nous fait progressivement sortir de l’État de droit et entrer dans un droit idéologique et subjectif. Dans la pratique, toute critique de l’immigration et de l’islam est prohibée. J’ai moi-même multiplié les procès et été condamné à une énorme amende pour un de mes livres «La colonisation de l’Europe».Une guerre civile ethnique est à prévoir dans plusieurs pays de l’Union européenne, guerre intestine, beaucoup plus grave que le «terrorisme». Car un remplacement de population, une sorte de génocide est en cours avec la complicité ou l’aveuglement des classes dirigeantes, politiques et médiatiques, dont l’idéologie est dominée par la haine de l’identité ethnique de leurs propres peuples et la passion morbide de l’impératif de métissage..L’État français échoue totalement dans son utopie d’»intégration dans la République», parce qu’il s’imagine qu’une coexistence pacifique est possible sur un territoire entre allogènes et autochtones. Ils n’ont pas lu Aristote, qui pensait que dans n’importe quelle Cité, l’harmonie et la démocratie ne sont possibles que s’il existe une homogénéité et une connivence ethniques, une parenté culturelle, notion qu’il appelait la «philia» ou «amitié naturelle». Les société européennes sombrent aujourd’hui dans un chaos ethnique ingérable.Par exemple, moi qui suis natif du sud-ouest de la France, sur les rives de l’Atlantique et qui ne parle pas un traître mot de russe, je me sens infiniment plus proche d’un Russe que d’un Arabe ou d’un Africain francophones même citoyens français.


    Cette situation s’explique, presque cliniquement, par une sorte de «sida mental». Les malheurs qui nous arrivent sont provoqués par le virus d’un nihilisme intérieur, que Nietzsche avait déjà perçu, un effondrement des défenses vitales. Les Européens sont entrés dans un processus de suicide de leur propre lignée. Ils ouvrent volontairement les portes de leurs cités.Le premier symptôme est la «xénophilie», ou préférence systématique pour l’étranger, pour l’»Autre» plutôt que pour le proche. Le second est l’ «ethnomasochisme», c’est-à-dire la honte et la haine de sa propre civilisation et de ses origines. Le troisième est la «dévirilisation», autrement dit le culte de la faiblesse, du repentir mais aussi de la préférence donnée maintenant à l’homosexualité masculine. Les valeurs évidentes qui font la force et conditionnent la survie de tous les peuples dans l’histoire sont aujourd’hui considérées en Occident comme des tares ridicules: honneur, fidélité, famille, fécondité démographique (natalisme,) fierté de sa civilisation, patriotisme, volonté de survie dans l’histoire, etc. Mais cette décadence est aussi le fait d’une laïcisation des principes de charité universelle du christianisme et de son postulat central d’égalitarisme individuel, à travers l’idéologie des droits de l’homme.Les Européens doivent peut-être s’inspirer de certaines valeurs qui ont encore cours en Russie, d’après ce que l’on m’a dit: par exemple la conscience explicite d’appartenir à une civilisation supérieure et l’affirmation d’un «droit à la distance». Il faut rompre avec l’»ethnopluralisme», qui est une forme d’égalitartisme, revendiquer l’»ethnocentrisme» et le droit de vivre chez soi sans l’»Autre». Il faut déculpabiliser le «chacun chez soi». D’ailleurs, seuls les Occidentaux croient aux vertus du métissage et voient le monde futur comme un melting-pot. Seule la naïve Europe croit au cosmopolitisme. Le XXIe siècle sera dominé par le renforcement, surtout dans le Sud et en Orient, de grands blocs ethno-religieux homogènes. La «fin de l’histoire» de Francis Fukuyama n’aura pas lieu. C’est à une accélération de l’histoire que nous allons assister, dans une ambiance de «choc des civilisations». Et puis, les Européens doivent rompre avec le «présentisme» dans lequel ils ont sombré et s’envisager de nouveau ( à l’image de l’Islam ou de la Chine, ou de l’Inde) comme des «peuples long-vivants» porteurs d’avenir. Ils ne pourront opérer cette révolution mentale qu’à l’occasion d’une crise géante, d’un choc violent, qui se produira probablement et don je parlerai plus loin.Les temps à venir seront, comme je l’ai expliqué dans un livre au titre éponyme, «archéofuturistes», c’est-à-dire que se fermera la parenthèse empoisonnée et anti-vitale de la modernité. Nous allons assister au ressurgissement de valeurs archaïques vitales, et ne s’en sortiront que les peuples qui sauront associer à la technoscience futuriste le retour des traditions et de l’ordre sociobiologique. Pour les Européens, dont les Russes évidemment, les valeurs archéofuturistes sont à la fois faustiennes et ancestrales, à l’image de l’arbre dont les racines poussent sous le sol, tandis que le tronc et le feuillage montent vers le ciel.


    Les Européens doivent aussi affronter ce que j’ai appelé dans un de mes derniers livres «le nouvel impérialisme américain», beaucoup plus dur que celui de la guerre froide, mais aussi plus maladroit. Depuis la chute de l’URSS, les gouvernants américains ont choisi la démesure, l’»ubris», visant de manière fantasmatique une domination mondiale, par une sorte de simulacre de nouvel empire romain. Tout cela s‘explique par l’idéologie des néo-conservateurs, très liés aux lobbies sioniste, mais animés d’un messianisme de «mission divine» qui touche à la pathologie.Quels sont les buts de ce Nouvel impérialisme américain? Encercler et neutraliser la Russie, empêcher toute alliance forte entre cette dernière et une grande Europe (cauchemar du Pentagone); ôter toute substance au rival européen en faisant entrer l’islam en son sein (par exemple la Turquie que les Américains parrainent), en assujetissant complètement les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale de l’ancien empire soviétique, en menant une guerre économique impitoyable à l’Union européenne à laquelle cette dernière n’ose même pas répondre.La croisade américaine pour imposer partout la «démocratie», notamment à la périphérie de la Russie, est limpide. «Démocratie» signifie «régime pro-américain».
    Mais nous ne devons pas nous plaindre de ce jeu américain, conforme à un désir géostratégique et thalassocratique de dominer le continent. Dans l’histoire, chacun est responsable de son sort.C’est pourquoi je me suis toujours opposé à ce que j’ai appelé l’»anti-américanisme obsessionnel et hystérique» très présent en France, mais contre-productif, victimaire et déresponsabilisant. Il faut distinguer l’»adversaire principal» de l’»ennemi principal». Le premier cherche à dominer et affaiblir, le second à tuer. N’oublions pas la formule de Carl Schmitt: «ce n’est pas seulement toi qui choisis et désigne ton ennemi, c’est surtout lui qui te désigne». L’Amérique et surtout ses dirigeants sont l’»adversaire principal» pour l’Europe et la Russie sur les plans géostratégique, économique et culturel. L’»ennemi principal», ce sont les peuples du Sud qui, le plus souvent sous la bannière de l’islam, procèdent à l’invasion du Continent, sans oublier leurs complices, tous les collaborateurs de la classe politique et de l’intelligentsia qui leur ouvrent les portes, évidemment à la plus grande satisfaction de Washington, qui souhaite une Europe métissée et sans identité.Les atlantistes comme les anti-Américains passionnels surestiment pourtant les USA sans comprendre qu’ils ne sont forts que de notre faiblesse. Leur catastrophique – et contre-productive – occupation du petit Irak, où ils n’apportent que le chaos, est là pour le démontrer. Au XXIe siècle, les USA ne seront plus la première puissance mondiale. Ce sera la Chine ou, si nous le voulons, ce que j’appelle plus loin l’»Eurosibérie», c’est-à-dire l’alliance unitaire entre l’Europe péninsulaire et la Russie.


    J’ai émis l’hypothèse que la civilisation mondiale actuelle, fondée sur des «croyances aux miracles» et le mythe du développement indéfini, risquait de s’effondrer au milieu du XXIe siècle. Il existe pour la première fois dans l’histoire de l’humanité des «lignes dramaturgiques», des menaces de crise géante qui convergent à l’horizon de 2010-2020 et qui peuvent provoquer un point de rupture: dégradation de l’écosystème et bouleversements climatiques; épuisement des énergies fossiles (pétrole) et des ressources agricoles ou halieutiques, fragilisation d’une économie mondialisée spéculative et endettée; retour des épidémies; montée des nationalismes, des terrorismes et prolifération nucléaire; aggravation de l’offensive mondiale de l’Islam; vieillissement dramatique des populations des pays riches, qui conjugué à l’immigration de masse, peut se traduire par une récession économique sans précédent.Il faut nous préparer à cette catastrophe géante, qui sera le passage d’une ère à une autre, qui balaiera la «modernité» et qui verra peut-être s’installer pour un temps un Nouveau Moyen Age. Cette catastrophe pourrait être l’occasion d’une renaissance car, dans l’histoire, toute régénération d’une civilisation passe par le chaos, surtout quand cette civilisation est, comme la nôtre, «métamorphique».
    L’Europe future ne peut pas être envisagée sous la forme molle et ingouvernable de l’Union européenne actuelle, qui est une méduse sans pouvoir souverain, aux frontières ouvertes, dominée par le dogme libre-échangiste, soumise à la volonté américaine et à l’Otan. Il faut penser à une future Grande Europe impériale et fédérale, ethniquement homogène (c’est-à-dire «européenne»), fondée sur de grandes régions autonomes et, surtout, indéfectiblement alliée à la Russie. Cet énorme bloc continental, je l’ai nommé «Eurosibérie». Ce hérisson géant, qui ne serait nullement offensif mais simplement inattaquable, serait de loin la première puissance mondiale ( le monde à venir sera celui des grands blocs) et surtout il devrait être «autocentré» et rompre avec les dogmes très dangereux de la mondialisation. Il aurait parfaitement les moyens de pratiquer l’»autarcie des grands espaces» dont, avec le Prix Nobel français d’économie, Maurice Allais, j’ai développé les principes. Le destin de l’Europe péninsulaire ne peut être séparé de celui de l’immense Russie pour des raisons ethnoculturelles et géopolitiques. Bien entendu, empêcher la naissance d’une telle Eurosibérie est un impératif vital pour la thalassocratie marchande américaine qui (en contradiction avec sa lutte affichée contre le terrorisme islamique) encourage cyniquement l’islam à s’implanter en Union européenne et en Russie.
    Je n’ai pas parlé ici de l’État d’Israël. Un mot cependant: pour des raisons démographiques, je crois que l’utopie sioniste fondée par Hertzl et Buber et réalisée depuis 1949 ne vivra pas plus longtemps que l’utopie communiste et qu’à terme, l’État hébreu est condamné. Je prépare actuellement un essai sur «La nouvelle question juive» et j’espère qu’il sera traduit en russe.


    Il ne faut jamais être fataliste. L’histoire est toujours ouverte et présente souvent des caprices et des retournements inattendus. N’oublions pas la formule de Guillaume d’Orange: «là où il y a une volonté, il y a un chemin». Pour l’instant, nous sommes dans une phase de résistance et de préparation à des événements très graves qui s’annoncent, par exemple la conjonction de guerres ethniques et d’une récession économique géante. Il faut donc dès maintenant penser à l’après-chaos et s’organiser en conséquence. Pour finir, voici le mot d’ordre que je diffuse souvent: «de la résistance à la reconquête, de la reconquête à la renaissance».

    * * *

    Guillaume Faye - Bibliographie (de 1980 à 2004)
    Le Système à tuer les peuples.Nouveau Discours à la Nation Européenne.L’occident comme déclin.L’économie organique.Sexe et idéologie.Les nouveaux enjeux idéologiques.La NSC : Nouvelle Société de Consommation.L’archéofuturisme.La colonisation de l’Europe. Discours vrai sur l’immigration et l’Islam/Pourquoi nous combattons (dictionnaire idéologique).Avant-guerre.Le nouvel impérialisme américain.
    Dernier livre publié sous le nom de Guillaume Corvus :
    La convergence des catastrophes.

    Editeur de la lettre d’information “J’ai tout compris” .

  • Introduction to Guillaume Faye’s book Convergence of Catastrophes, published by Arktos Media

    Introduction to Guillaume Faye’s book Convergence of Catastrophes, published by Arktos Media

    An Explosive Cocktail
    ‘The modern world is like a train full of ammunition ­running in the fog on a moonless night with its lights out.’
    — Robert Ardrey[1]

    For the first time in its history, humanity is threatened by a convergence of catastrophes.
    A series of ‘dramatic lines’ are approaching one another and converging like a river’s tributaries with perfect accord (between 2010 and 2020) towards a breaking point and a descent into chaos. From this chaos — which will be extremely painful on the global scale — can emerge the new order of the post-catastrophe era and therefore a new civilisation born in pain.
    Let us briefly summarise the nature of these lines of catastrophe.
    The first is the cancerisation of the European social fabric. The colonisation of the Northern hemisphere for purposes of permanent settlement by the peoples of the global South, which is increasingly serious despite the reassuring affirmations of the media, is pregnant with explosive situations; the failure of the multiracial society, increasingly full of racism of all kinds with different communities becoming more and more tribal; the progressive ethnic and anthropological metamorphosis of Europe, a true historical cataclysm; the return of poverty to Western and Eastern Europe; the slow but steady growth of criminal activity and drug use; the continual disintegration of family structures; the decline of educational infrastructure and the quality of academic programs; the disruption of the transmission of cultural knowledge and social disciplines (barbarisation and loss of needed skills); the disappearance of popular culture and the increasing degrading of the masses by the culture of spectacles.[2] All this indicates to us that the European nations are moving toward a New Middle Ages.[3]
    But these factors of social breakdown in Europe will be aggravated by the economic and demographic crisis which will only get worse and end by producing mass poverty. By 2010 the number of active workers will not be large enough to finance the retirements of the ‘grandpa boomers’. Europe will collapse under the weight of old people; then its ageing countries will see their economies slowed and handicapped by payments for healthcare and retirement benefits for unproductive citizens; in addition, the ageing of the population will dry up technical and economic dynamism. In addition to these problems, the economy will increasingly resemble the Third World because of the uncontrolled immigration of unskilled populations.
    Modernity’s third dramatic line of catastrophe will be the chaos of the global South. By displacing their traditional cultures with industrialisation, the nations of the South, in spite of a deceptive and fragile economic growth, have created social chaos that is only going to get worse.
    The fourth line of catastrophe, which has recently been explained by Jacques Attali,[4] is the threat of a world financial crisis, which will be much more serious than the crisis of the 1930s and will bring about a general recession. The harbinger of the crisis will be the collapse of the stock markets and currencies of the Far East, like the recession that is striking this region.
    The fifth line of catastrophe is the rise of fanatical religious cults, principally Islam. The rise of radical Islam is the backlash to the excesses of the cosmopolitanism of modernity that wanted to impose on the entire world the model of atheist individualism, the cult of material goods, the loss of spiritual values and the dictatorship of the spectacle. In reaction to this aggression, Islam has radicalised, just as it was already becoming once again a religion of domination and conquest, in conformity with its traditions.
    The sixth line of catastrophe: a North-South confrontation, with theological and ethnic roots, will appear on the horizon. It is increasingly likely to replace the risk of an East-West conflict, which we have so far avoided. No one knows what form it will take, but it will be serious, because it will be based on collective challenges and sentiments much stronger than the old and artificial partisan polarity of the USA and USSR, capitalism and Communism.
    The seventh line of catastrophe is the uncontrolled increase of pollution, which will not threaten the Earth (which still has four billion years to look forward to and can start evolution over again from zero), but the physical survival of humanity. This collapse of the environment is the fruit of the liberal and egalitarian myth (which was once also a Soviet myth) of universal industrial development and a dynamic economy for everyone.
    We can add to all this the probable implosion of the contemporary European Union, which is increasingly ungovernable, the risks involved with nuclear proliferation in the Third World, and the probability of ethnic civil war in Europe.
    The convergence of these factors in the heart of a globalised and very fragile civilisation allows us to predict that the Twenty-first century will not be the ‘progressive’ continuation of the contemporary world, but the rise of another world. We must prepare ourselves for this tragic possibility with lucidity.

    Believing in Miracles
    We are dealing with a general prejudice inherited from the egalitarian and humanitarian utopias, like the philosophy of Progress, according to which ‘we can have everything at the same time’ and that reality never has negative consequences.
    People believe they can have their cake and eat it too. They imagine, according to the liberal faith, that an ‘invisible hand’ will spontaneously restore a harmonious equilibrium. I shall mention a few examples of believing in miracles:
    •    Imagining that the dogma of the unlimited economic development of every nation is possible without massive pollution and ecological catastrophes that will destroy this very development. This is the illusion of indefinite development.
    •    Believing that a permissive society will not produce a social jungle, and that you can obtain at the same time libertarian emancipation and self-disciplined harmony. We see this drama being acted out in the shipwreck of our schools, where violence, insecurity, ignorance, and illiteracy are arising out of the illusion of progressive education, an educational method which rejects any form of discipline for its students.
    •    Believing that it will be possible to preserve retirement systems and social and medical entitlements while remaining faithful, in a period of demographic decline, to the ideal of ‘solidarity of distribution’. This is the illusion of the Communist conception of solidarity.
    •    Believing that large-scale alien immigration is compatible with the ‘values of the French Republic’ and the preservation of the civilisation of the nations and peoples of Europe; and that Islam can become secular and blend in with republican values. Believing also that we can renew the working population by importing immigrants, when these immigrants are unskilled welfare recipients and our responsibility. Imagining also that by regularising the status of masses of illegal immigrants, it will be possible to assimilate them and avoid the arrival of new masses, although we observe exactly the opposite. This is the illusion of the benefits of immigration.
    •    Extolling the assimilation and integration of aliens while wanting to preserve and maintain their special characteristics, their original cultures, their memories and native mores. This is the communitarian illusion, one of the most harmful of all, which is particularly cherished by ‘ethno-pluralist’ intellectuals.
    •    Imagining that by cancelling Third World debt we can encourage their economic growth and prevent new indebtedness in the future. This is the Third Worldist illusion.
    •    Demanding at one and the same time that we abandon nuclear energy programs and replace them with power plants using natural gas, coal and petroleum, while advocating the reduction of polluting gases. This is the ecologist’s illusion.
    •    Thinking that a world economy founded on short term speculation based on computerised markets and replacing monetary policies with the caprice of financial markets will guarantee a lasting ‘new growth’. This is the illusion of the new economy.
    •    Believing that democracy and ‘republican values’ will be reinforced by eliminating ‘populism’, that is, the direct expression of the will of the people.
    I could make the list longer. In all these matters, believing in miracles can be explained by the incorrigible optimism of the secular religion of egalitarian progressivism, but also by the fact that, although it has reached an impasse, the dominant ideology does not dare deny its dogmas or make heartbreaking revisions, while clinging to the idea that ‘the storm will never come’. The whole thing is explained by the sophisms of bogus experts, whose conclusions are always that everything is going well and getting better and that we have the situation under control. They are like a driver who speeds through a red light and justifies it by explaining that the faster he drives, the less time he spends in the intersection and therefore reduces the risk of a collision.

    Man, a Sick Animal
    Paul MacLean,[5] Konrad Lorenz,[6] Arthur Koestler,[7] and Jean Rostand[8] have sensed that man is a sick animal, endowed with a brain that is too large. Conscience is perhaps, on the evolutionary scale, an illness and intelligence a burden. Man has lost touch with his natural survival instincts. We have not been on the Earth for a long time and it may be that, from life’s point of view, or Gaïa’s,[9] we are a failed species, an abortive experiment; and that, especially by destroying the ecosystem that supports it, the suicidal human race is hastening its own disappearance.
    Our neocortex, which some biologists compare to a tumour, does not function sufficiently in symbiosis with our reptilian brain. This is ‘cerebral schizo-physiology’, the source of a chaotic and self-destructive culture: wars, religious fanaticisms, frenzied exploitation of nature, aberrant demographic proliferation or, on the other hand, catastrophically low birth levels, frustrating natural selection, etc.: Homo sapiens sapiens does not deserve the name he has given himself. He is not ‘wise’, only intelligent. But he will perhaps perish from this excessive intelligence, which is pushing him to excess, hybris[10], and is making him lose every instinct of collective survival and all capacity to ‘feel’ the dangers that are piling up.
    The Golem Parable, or the Machine that Went Mad
    Humanity has lost control of the forward rush of the technological and globalised civilisation born in the Nineteenth century. We should remember the parable of the Golem, the Jewish allegory from Prague, in which a mud figure brought to life by magic escapes its maker, becomes an autonomous and out of control entity, and then starts spreading terror.
    Today’s little Jules Vernes[11] are mistaken. Optimistic and short-sighted mechanics, they are only making the situation worse. More than that, they are not in control of the machine and have no idea where it is heading. There really is a pilot in the airplane, but he is convinced that he is driving a locomotive.
    Among the inescapable trends at work today, there are other risks that are unforeseeable today but which will make things worse (or perhaps better, but this is less likely), or else create new tendencies or new earth-shattering phenomena. At any rate, it is hard to see any positive signs. All the indictors are flashing red.
    In futurology, there are only two types of extrapolation from current trends that one can make with a high degree of probability: the weak and the strong. Today predictions are typically based on weak extrapolations. These latter are, for example, the pursuit of economic growth, linear and continuous technological progress, scientific civilisation, the affirmation of democracy everywhere in the world (who is telling us that Europe will be ‘democratic’ in 2030?); the lasting character of the United Nations; the effectiveness of antibiotics in the next century, and so on.
    We are less concerned with strong extrapolations, which have a good chance of being realised in the next twenty years: the demographic disequilibrium of North and South that will grow massively; the unavoidable ageing of the indigenous European population; the growth of mass immigration into rich countries; the worsening of pollution, atmospheric warming and the exhaustion of resources, which is growing worse regardless of what measures may be taken today on a global level (and they are not being taken); the rising power of Islam; the worsening of social disintegration in Europe along ethnic lines, etc. All these strong extrapolations are headed in the direction of the system’s breakdown, and are what we might call ‘pessimistic’.
    The ‘Billiard Ball’ Theory
    The current implicit ideology that dominates the world, especially in the West, still continues to profess, officially, the utopia inherited from the egalitarian philosophy of the Enlightenment (Eighteenth century), positivism[12] and scientism (Nineteenth century): to create a situation where, in a few decades from now, some eight billion people will live on the planet with a good standard of living and democracy for all. All this resembles the billiard player who imagines that after four or five rebounds his ball will automatically fall into the hole. These professors of ballistics are playing golf, but they do not know it.
    It is a quasi-certainty that this persistent belief in progress and modernity, concepts which the political classes of the West are always jabbering about and which are totally obsolete, will never see its objectives occur. The dream will shatter into pieces. Constraining forces, a physical wall, makes this ideology resemble a mass of intellectual stupefaction and belief in miracles.
    The demanding parameters, mentioned above, based upon the assumption that current realities will persist and that current projections for the future will be realised, are not taken into account. No one is looking at the dashboard or the fuel gauge. Only the short-term counts, but for how much more time? The majority of the elites do not concern themselves with the long term, or even the middle term, in this civilisation of the here and now. The fate of future generations does not interest the decision-makers at all. They care only about their own careers.
    *  *  *
    They are helped by the experts in every field, who practice constant disinformation and censorship of pessimism, taking advantage of the good old Coué method of optimistic autosuggestion:[13] ‘Everything is going badly, so, to reassure myself, I say that everything is going well.’ Actually pessimism would be more convincing, since it incites people to improve matters and to try to cure the disease. Alas, I think that is already too late. We have passed the point of no return.
    The majority of intellectuals, media people, politicians and businessmen maintain a language of utopian optimism, clinging to their dogmas and making a gross travesty of reality: ‘republican assimilation is making progress and will continue to make progress in France’; ‘we are on the path to control massive illegal immigration’; ‘Islamism is in decline’; ‘we are on track to win the war on terror’; ‘economic growth will resume next year and, because of the economic recovery, unemployment will go down’ (when tomorrow comes, erasing it will cost nothing); ‘we are going to establish democracy in the Near East’; ‘we can stop using nuclear power and reduce pollution by making more efficient use of other resources, even if we go back to power plants that use petroleum, natural gas and coal’; ‘we are going to find the money to pay for the costs of healthcare insurance without increasing public borrowing’; and so on.
    We go forward each time either by lying and misrepresenting the objective situation, or by deliberately ignoring the parameters and changes that are taking place.
    If elites of all different kinds pretend to believe this nonsense, public opinion (once upon a time we used to say, ‘the people’) subscribes to it less and less. Pessimism is present everywhere, like a sort of presentiment of a coming apocalypse. Already in 1995, an IFOP[14] poll published in the Leftist newspaper Libération revealed that to the question, ‘In ten years will we live in a better world?’ 64 % of those polled responded in the negative. They were not mistaken.
    ‘Catastrophe Theory’ and ‘Discrete Structural Metamorphoses’
    In his ‘catastrophe theory’ French mathematician René Thom[15] explained that a ‘system’ (whether physical-chemical, mechanical, climatic, organic, social, civilisational, etc.) is an always fragile ensemble that can suddenly lurch into chaos, without anyone anticipating it, as a result of an accumulation of factors. It is the famous ‘drop of water that causes the cup to overflow’. Every system is unstable and every civilisation is mortal, like everything in the universe. But sometimes the collapse is violent and sudden. For a long time a system can be worn away from inside by an endemic crisis; it holds out for a long time and then, suddenly, everything tips over. We find here the law of viral and bacterial biology: incubation is slow, but the final attack is as fast as lightning. A tree, apparently in good health, falls down during the first storm, although no one suspected that its insides were eaten away.
    History offers us examples of sudden and unforeseen collapses: the Amerindian civilisation after the Spanish invasion, or else the Egyptian empire facing the assault of the Romans. I am defending the thesis that this is what awaits today’s global civilisation in the next twenty years. We are going to hit a very sudden breaking point arising from the simultaneous convergences of great crises. It is easy to envisage spectacular and rapid historical reversals.
    *  *  *
    It is always necessary to beware of surprises, these unforeseen and sometimes discrete transformations, which turn everything upside down. They radically modify a system’s structure, without making a loud noise and suddenly, their consequences explode and change everything. That is what is heading for us today. They are ‘discrete structural metamorphoses’.
    We believe that we are still living in world X, when we are already in world Y, and the house of cards of the old world collapses without warning. These metamorphoses do not always make the front pages of newspapers; they take place without making a fuss. They constitute history’s infrastructure, not its ephemeral surface.
    The founding of the Fifth Republic,[16] the fall of Communism, the results of American elections, etc., are events that depend on the superstructure. On the other hand, what we have called the ‘discrete structural metamorphoses’ will have incalculable consequences. For a generation they have been increasingly frequent and rapid. They are transforming the face of our civilisation.
    Let us mention some cases. In France and Belgium, and soon in other countries, the number of active practitioners of Islam is soon going to surpass that of the Christian churches; the depopulation of Europe has begun as the radical ethnic modification of its population; the Spanish language has already equalled and even surpassed English in the American Southwest; some twenty nations possess the technology for making nuclear weapons; in a number of Western countries the traditional family is collapsing and a demographic coma is in place; the ‘casino economy’, purely speculative and unregulated, stretches over the entire world, especially in China, which still calls itself ‘Communist’; antibiotics are less and less effective against bacterial epidemics, and so on.
    We are in control of none of these structural metamorphoses. And very few people are aware of the power of their interaction.
    We Must Stop Believing in Sorcerers: Techno-science Gone Mad
    The elites who direct the Western world, the over-credentialed ‘experts’, are pulling the wool over our eyes. They possess neither strategy nor mastery of analysis and are satisfied with tactics. The real problems are never investigated. The solutions are rhetorical or electoral. The good apostles, bureaucrats with MBAs from prestigious schools, are only masters of words. No improvement is in sight. The Golem’s inexorable march continues.
    The burden of ‘doing nothing’ is the heaviest. But the experts and specialists (once called ‘savants’) are consoling us. They play the role sorcerers played in ancient societies.
    *  *  *
    No one is directing science and technology any longer and, far from improving the human condition as they used to, they are making it worse, notably by exhausting resources and destroying the environment. The modern myth of ‘development’, which is venerated more than ever all over the world, leads to its opposite, a gigantic regression, a race to the bottom. No authority, no international planning has emerged. Globalisation is anarchy. The backdrop of this fatal movement is generalised individual consumerism, the search for the highest possible standard of living, unbridled enthusiasm for the free market, the speculative economy and the cult of ‘taking each day as it comes’.
    Similarly, democracy has to be seen as an aggravating factor, for this type of regime removes any central authority that can, when it sees the storm appearing, react in an emergency. Liberal democracy favours improvidence, the law of the market, and short-term calculation by individuals or corporations. If once upon a time this type of regime was efficient, today it seems incompetent, as it shows every day, to stem the rise of dangers.
    International conferences on the environment are a futile waste of time. Just as there is no control over mass immigration, so the destruction of fish reserves and our forest heritage, the increased emission of greenhouse gases, the demographic gap between North and South, etc., are out of control. Even the authorities who arise to reverse the catastrophic course of events, whether they represent countries or the United Nations, do not succeed in correcting the direction of the cargo ship that is going full sail, faster and faster, towards the reefs.
    *  *  *
    But we are reassured by the ‘experts’ and are still fascinated by techno-science, believing that it will solve all our problems using some new form of magic. Computers, the electric or low-polluting engines, organic agriculture, and pharmaceutical research will not prevent the return of famines and epidemics or the exponential growth of pollution. It is too late. The machine is racing. Intellectuals and ‘philosophers’ have been telling us over and over again for decades that ‘the myth of Progress’ is dead. On the contrary, it has never been in such good shape, especially in the developing countries of the South. We are victims of the psychological condition of derealisation, a loss of the sense of reality of what is happening. Our contemporaries have persuaded themselves that ‘catastrophe cannot happen’ and that this civilisation is at the same time eternal and continually getting better and better, that it will never experience a reversal, and a fortiori[17] not a collapse. Not only is this a possibility, but it will happen, and very soon.
    What comforts us in this gloomy illusion is our techno-scientific environment, which we consider to be indestructible, when on the contrary this global civilisation is a colossus with feet of clay. The politicians and the experts, who possess neither audacity nor imagination, reject every radical solution. They always prefer little solutions, tactical or rigged, compromises that please an electorate with cold feet, always respecting the status quo. They believe, like King Arthur, that ‘the fortress is impregnable’ when no one is guarding the walls.[18]
    The groundswell — or rather the different groundswells arriving at the same time, demographic, strategic, sociological, economic, environmental — is arrogantly ignored. In France we even use the surreal expression ‘sustainable development’! The dominant ideology, which calls itself rationalist, is really magical. In every area it plays the role of an ‘ideology of sleep’.
    *  *  *
    We must not forget — and it is one of the central theses of this work — that mini-catastrophes reinforce one another, multiplying their effects among one another to produce a global mega-catastrophe. An accident (of an airplane, for instance) is the result of a series of causes and never just one: for example, the conjunction of a technical problem in the controls, bad weather and pilot error.
    It is the same with the situation we are living through, or rather that we are soon going to be living through. For example, the natural calamities produced by global warming aggravate the famines caused by other economic and demographic causes and thus make the economic situation even worse and push the populations of the South to emigrate to the North, thus destabilising the West still more. Growing poverty in certain countries feeds religious fanaticism that, in turn, complicates political instability. And so on.
    The system is holistic and interactive, which explains the acceleration of the arrival of the breaking point, since a multitude of crises converge at the same moment, without anyone being able to treat them separately.

    [1]     Robert Ardrey (1908-1980) was a widely read and discussed author during the 1960s, particularly his books African Genesis (1961) and The Territorial Imperative (1966). Ardrey’s most controversial hypothesis, known as the ‘killer ape theory’, posits that what distinguished humans’ evolutionary ancestors from other primates was their aggressiveness, which caused them to develop weapons to conquer their environment and also leading to changes in their brains which led to modern humans. In his view, aggressiveness was an inherent part of the human character rather than an aberration. Ardrey’s ideas were highly influential at the time, most notably in the ‘Dawn of Man’ sequence of 2001: A Space Odyssey, and also in the writings of GRECE, in which Ardrey was frequently cited.
    [2]     Presumably a reference to ‘society of the spectacle’, a term coined by Guy Debord (1931-1994), a French Marxist philosopher and the founder of the anarchist Situationist International. The spectacle, as described in his principal work, The Society of the Spectacle, is one of the means by which the capitalist establishment maintains its authority in the modern world — namely, by reducing all genuine human experiences to representational images in the mass media, thus allowing the powers-that-be to determine how individuals experience reality.
    [3]     This is a concept developed by the French author Alain Minc, in which he predicts a coming time of chaos and hardship resembling the Middle Ages, which will end in the development of a much smaller, but more sustainable, global economy. He discusses this idea in Le Nouveau Moyen-âge (Paris: Gallimard, 1993).
    [4]     Jacques Attali (b. 1943) is a French economist who was an advisor to Mitterrand during the first decade of his presidency. Many of his writings are available in translation. Faye may be referring to Attali’s article ‘The Crash of Western Civilisation: The Limits of the Market and Democracy’, which appeared in the Summer 1997 issue of the American journal Foreign Policy. In it, Attali claimed that democracy and the free market are incompatible, writing: ‘Unless the West, and particularly its self-appointed leader, the United States, begins to recognise the shortcomings of the market economy and democracy, Western civilisation will gradually disintegrate and eventually self-destruct.’ In many ways his arguments resemble Faye’s.
    [5]     Paul D. MacLean (1913-2007) was an American neuroscientist who developed the triune theory of the human brain, postulating that, over the course of its evolution, the brain was actually made up of three distinct elements: the reptilian complex, the limbic system, and the neocortex. As a result, human behavior is the product of all three tendencies.
    [6]     Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989) was an Austrian ethologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1973. He was a member of the National Socialist Party during the Third Reich. He speculated that the supposed advances of modern life were actually harmful to humanity, since they had removed humans from the biological effects of natural competition and replaced it with the far more brutal competition inherent in relations between individuals in modern societies. After the war, his books on popular scientific and philosophical topics earned him international fame.
    [7]     Arthur Koestler (1905-1983) was a Hungarian writer who, in his 1967 book The Ghost in the Machine, speculated that the triune model of the brain as described by Paul MacLean was responsible for a failure of the various parts to fully interconnect with each other, resulting in a conflict of desires within each individual leading to self-destructive tendencies.
    [8]     Jean Rostand (1894-1977) was a French biologist who was a proponent of eugenics as a means for humanity to take responsibility for its own destiny.  He was also a pioneer in the field of cryogenics.
    [9]     Gaïa is the Ancient Greek name for the goddess of the Earth. In recent decades, the name has been adopted by ecologists, who use it to depict the combined components of the Earth as a living organism with its different parts acting in symbiosis with one another, rather than as a resource merely intended to be exploited by humans.
    [10]    Latin: ‘pride’.
    [11]    Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who is regarded as the inventor of the science fiction genre. Several of his books are notable for their predictions of future technological developments.
    [12]    Positivism holds that the only knowledge which can be considered reliable is that which is obtained directly through the senses and via the (supposedly) objective techniques of the scientific method.
    [13]    Émile Coué (1857-1926) was a French psychologist whose method involved repeating ‘Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better’ at the beginning and end of each day in a ritualized fashion, believing that this would influence the unconscious mind in a manner that would allow the practitioner to be more inclined toward success.
    [14]    The Institut français d’opinion publique, or French Institute of Public Opinion, is an international marketing firm.
    [15]    René Thom (1923-2002) was a French mathematician who made many achievements during his career, but is best remembered for his development of catastrophe theory. The theory is complex, but in essence it states that small alterations in the parameters of any system can cause large-scale and sudden changes to the system as a whole.
    [16]    The Fifth Republic began after the collapse of the Fourth Republic in 1958 as a result of the crisis in Algeria, bringing Charles de Gaulle to power and resulting in the drafting of a new constitution. It has remained in effect up to the present day.
    [17]    Latin: ‘an argument with a stronger foundation’.
    [18]    King Arthur’s Camelot was frequently left unguarded while his knights were engaged in lengthy quests.
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